Trump and Foreign Policy Entanglements: The Cautionary Tale of U.S. Involvement in Guatemala
New York Daily News: Feb 7, 2017: You can hear the bass drum pounding away as you read the headline of Paul Krugman’s latest New York Times editorial: “How Republics End.” Hitler, Franco and Mussolini, the other Big Three, the degenerate offspring of the 1920s and 1930, they are the list to which Krugman proposes to add President-elect Donald Trump. Krugman is just the latest to call Trump the next great fascist. Comparing him to Hitler has become a parlor game on the Left. Sporcle, a popular website of trivia quizzes, even created a new distraction: they provide a quote, you guess who said it, Trump or Hitler. And, indeed, according to Krugman, “it takes willful blindness not to see the parallels between the rise of fascism and our current political nightmare”…
(Photo: Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz (center facing camera) in 1951, before a U.S.-led overthrow (HO/AFP/Getty Images)